Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Face of The Savior

The Face of The Savior

A Poetic Meditation for Holy Week

This is the Face of the Savior,
The One who sets us free.
Tonight He goes to supper,
And washes feet on bended knee.

Afterwards He’s handed over,
And spends the night alone.
Captured, chained, and dragged,
A prison cell His home.

Questioned, ridiculed, bound, 
Taken from place to place;
Beaten and battered, and spat upon,
This truly Holy Face.

Long and lonely, painful night;
Morning brings condemnation.
The people want Him crucified,
Those who loved Him, from His own nation.

Stripped and scourged, 
He endures the worst,
Shedding His blood,
To break the curse. 

Each drop of blood shed,
To cover our sins.
Yet this is barely
Where the Passion begins.

His body marred beyond description,
His blood poured out for us.
Destined for His crucifixion,
Now He’s made to carry His cross.

Climbing the hill via the streets,
Falling beneath the weight.
Bearing all out of love,
Hearing only words of hate.

The holy women weep for Him,
Veronica wipes His face;
He leaves His miraculous image,
Still sharing abundant grace.

Arriving on the hill of death, 
About to be made holy,
He’s bound and nailed to His cross,
pouring blood, raised slowly. 

He bears His three hour agony,
Upon the holy wood,
Hanging between two thieves,
One unrepentant, the other good. 

He hands His spirit over,
About to accomplish the greatest work.
His Passion to redeem us,
While the demons lurk. 

The evil spirits think they’ve won;
The Son of God is dead.
But Jesus Christ has other plans,
The demons now will dread. 

He breaks the chains of sin and death;
His perfect blood atonement.
He crushes evil, dies to save us,
To share in His enthronement. 

His body taken from the cross,
His mother cries and holds Him;
Gently wrapped and perfumed body;
The grave prepared that will not hold Him. 

On the day, that is the third,
The angel appears announcing,
“Christ who died, is here no longer, 
Go tell the others, rejoicing.”

The grave is broken, 
Christ is alive!
All borne for us,
Our spirits revive.

Take great joy in this great grace;
Look upon this Holy Face,
The loving Savior,
Who took your place.
Rejoice and be glad!
Finish the race! 

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