Saturday, September 15, 2018

Happy Moments

Sometimes you have to create happy moments. Sometimes you simply have to recognize the happy moments you have and just let yourself absorb in alllll the goodness; to truly appreciate it. For example, I’m cherishing this moment: sitting at a friend’s house for a much-needed weekend getaway and change of scenery, sitting at the table late at night, with decaf pumpkin spice coffee in a Zakopane mug from Poland, with my favorite flowers (daisies) in the background. What a cool moment! And I’m cherishing every second of it.

As we navigate through the twists and turns of life, the ups and downs, shifting gears, and even the curve balls, we are never (contrary to popular opinion) devoid of happiness. Maybe we only find it for a moment at times, but there’s always something, at some point, that we can find joy in. And when multiple simple little things come together in a nice little package of joyousness, that’s even better! (Like my spontaneous getaway, PSL, late-night quiet, daises and a BFF).

Happy moments happen, but sometimes we also have to work for them. I knew I needed a getaway. I needed a change of pace, a cheesy chick-flick, and to enjoy coffee in good company. So I did it. And the little things fell into place.

Trust in God. Trust in His plan for your happiness. Trust that He wants you to be happy and that even in all of the crazy, you are entitled to happy moments. Look for them, make some happen, and thank God for the things that He gives you to remind you that you are worthy of happiness.

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