“Christ has no body
now on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours are the
eyes through which the compassion of Christ must look out on the world. Yours
are the feet with which He is to go about doing good. Yours are the hands with
which He is to bless His people." -St. Teresa of Avila
YOU are the hands
and the feet of Christ. YOU have been anointed to bring the good
news to all the world. When we were baptized, we were anointed with holy oil
(chrism) to have a share in Christ as priest, prophet, and king. This confers
on us a missionary spirit - the anointing to preach the Gospel, to teach people
about Jesus, to bring them to Jesus, to BE Jesus to others in a world
desperately in need of Him.
How is Christ’s
anointing challenging you? We have all been anointed; we are all commissioned
by God. In what way is God wanting you to exercise your missionary spirit? What
is He giving you an anointing for? Sometimes it is to reach out to a friend we
know is having a rough time; sometimes it’s to minister to the poor; sometimes
it’s to teach our own children how to pray; sometimes it’s to start something
new in our lives that stretches us.
Friends, the
world needs Jesus! We are called to be Jesus to the world. How
will you be Jesus to someone this week?
Photo Source: https://myhillsongcollegeexperience.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/stock-footage-close-up-of-bottle-pouring-olive-oil.jpg