Saturday, June 16, 2018

Seeking, Soaking, and Shining

I like to think that I seek Jesus first. The truth is, sometimes I do – and sometimes I don’t. I was inspired by something a priest said during a homily while I was attending a Mass & adoration vigil for the feast days of the Sacred Heart & Immaculate Heart. It was a vigil of reparation to the hearts of Jesus and Mary for all the sins that wound them – including our own and for the ingratitude and lack of love from mankind. The pastor addressed the issue of how many times that we desire other activities or leisure times over spending time with Jesus. He then said something about this in a particular way that stuck with me: about making personal reparation ‘for the times that I’ve preferred the television to the tabernacle.’ (Mic. Drop.) That could have been his whole homily. Case. And. Point.

We live for Jesus, we worship Him, we pray, we go to Mass, we do good for others. But how many times do we not seek Jesus first? Just 10 more minutes on Facebook, just one more episode, just a little more Xbox… how much time do we spend with Jesus versus the time we spend on other things that in the grand scheme of life, merit nothing toward our eternal salvation? And, in fact, can detract from it.

Now, these things aren’t all bad, and God knows and understands that sometimes these are our outlets! I know a little bit of down time, and a movie or a few episodes of a favorite TV series helps me to unwind after a hectic day. But, I can easily do that instead of taking time with Jesus. It’s not that we can’t ever watch TV again, but are we taking 10 or 20 or 30 minutes to pray first? Take those moments and soak up some Son! Read a few verses of Scripture, grab that devotional book and peruse through it, grab a journal and pen and write out your thoughts and prayers to the Lord. Sit and talk to him. Sometimes, I just sit in the middle of my bed, or the middle of the couch, and I just start talking – out loud – as if Jesus were just sitting there in the room with me. And I just talk. And eventually I slow down, and then just pause. And listen. Those are some of my most fruitful times of prayer, some of the times were I really can tune into Jesus’ presence and His attentiveness to me.

Jesus, help me to seek You first – in all the things, in all the chaos, in the joys, in the trials, in the decisions, in the time I have each day. Help the fast-paced, media-driven things of this world lose a bit of their luster, so that I see Your splendor, and spend more time soaking up Your shine. Amen.

Seek, Soak, Shine - repeat! 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time: How Do We Rise Up?

There are many ways that the devil (Satan) tries to deceive us... he often uses subtle tactics that we can easily excuse or justify. Do we rise up against him? Do we fight the good fight?

"Fight the good fight; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12

As the letter to Timothy reveals to us, by fighting the 'good fight of faith' - i.e., holding onto the truth, resisting evil, clinging to what is good and holy, trusting our Creator, our Father, our Lord of love - we secure our eternal salvation! We begin to take hold of, here on earth, that life which we were created for in eternity! Our destiny as human beings in perfect union with God. We all have this deep longing for fulfillment, which we strive after vehemently in our lives. This fulfillment will only be fully realized when we are united with God in Heaven, for that is what we were created for.

So in today's Gospel, we hear testified that 'if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand.' If we root Satan - and all of his little subtle ways of trying to rule over us - out of us, he cannot stand! He sets himself up for failure by trying to get to us, only to be booted out! And we claim our dignity, our destiny, our identity as God's children and heirs of 'the eternal life to which we were called'! It is Jesus who has the power in us to overcome, to rise up.

Pro-tip for fighting this good fight of faith and rising up against Satan: Spend time with Jesus. Know not just who you are fighting against, but SO much more importantly, who you are fighting for. It is He to whom you are called; rise up and fight for your faith, fight for that union with God, fight for your destiny, your call, your claim on eternal life. Cling to the King, so that whatever comes against you cannot stand. God's hand is reaching down from Heaven, open above your head, conferring grace on you to live loved, to live strong, to live sanctified. Pray. Spend time with the Lord and experience His presence pouring over you.

Photo Credit: Liturgical Publications, Inc. (LPi)