Monday, January 6, 2014

Change of Plans

Okay, so it has obviously been a while since I've published a blog post... we all know that life can take some unexpected turns and leaps, curves and dives, ups, downs, and... well, you get the point. Since our beloved new Holy Father was elected Pope in March, I've been a little behind and distracted. Life seemed to get harder, fuller, more stressful, and I was so wrapped up in coming up with a 'plan' of action, some way to 'get a move-on' with my life and propel to excel, etc., that some of the simple things got pushed to the sidelines. So I had my plan. And I thought it was all going just great, and even though it was stressful, I thought I just had to make it all work if I were to accomplish anything and get somewhere in life. I realized - as we all do at some point (hopefully!) - that while looking ahead to what I thought my life was supposed to be, to being so focused on the work I wanted to do to become accomplished, successful, distinguished, and the like, I was failing to live the life God wants for me right now. To slow down, enjoy the little things, the simple things, to have time to pray and serve others in the peace of Christ.

There is so much we can do, and want do to, but it doesn't mean we are supposed to do it. Sometimes in the middle of the storm we have to simply 'be still and know' that HE is God. To let go of everything, to let go of our plans, and what we THINK we need to do or accomplish to be the person we want to be. The good news is, we already are the person that GOD wants us to be. Things that we do or accomplish don't make us what we are, GOD makes us what we are! What we do is not the most important... it is who we are that is of paramount importance! We are children of God! We are!

So, I'm learning to let go of what I think I need to do, and let God accomplish what HE wants in me, because it is HE who makes me what and who I am.

Its hard to trust; its hard to change the course and traverse a path that is so unexpected and seemingly crazy. But what is faith if we are not required to take a leap once in a while?! To feel (as Fr. Jacques Philippe says in his book Searching For and Maintaining Peace), the cords of the parachute supporting you. In order to feel the support, you have to jump! You can't feel supported if you deploy the chute before you jump... the leap is required. And you know what, God is always there, being the cords of the parachute - and every other part of the parachute - that supports us and guides us to land right where He wants us.

"God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful.” ~Mother Teresa

I'm tired of trying to be successful... no wonder, because that's not what God wants from me anyway! I want to expend my efforts trying to be faithful. For this is the will of God - not just for me, but for all!

In these first few days of 2014, we come up with all kinds of resolutions for success in the next 12 months... This year, we have a change of plans.... let our New Year's resolution be to not to be successful, but to be faithful :)